Sunday, April 3, 2011


  From the sounds of things, it seems as though I have had a liquid breakfast, Tequila, that is. My words are so scrambeld, and I can't handle 2 people talking to me at once, it provokes very strange responses, Cody said mom, what is wrong with you, and this is NOT what was meant to come out, I said, I am teething!!! Cody- teething like Jolie? You look like you have all your teeth! Well honey, at my age, you don't start getting teeth, you start losing them, and thats when you sell everything you own to get dentures!
 I was trying to have a conversation with the UH this morning, and was getting very frustrated because I could not say what I wanted to, he finally said MAYBE YOU SHOULD'NT TALK TODAY!! 
 Oh would he love that!!! News flash, you will listen to my gibberish all day before I will shut up...LOL 
  Life post stroke, is a day to day thing, I can honestly say I haven't had a day, yet, that I feel "normal", normal may be a new normal, now, I feel like a blind man walking with a cane, just trusting the cane to lead me in the right direction! 
  Now, to try & make the best out of a situation like this, I can have a lot of fun, and you all know thats what I do best!!
  I have the most fun with Cody because he take what I say literally, and wanted to make sure he wasn't having scrambeled brains for breakfast, and whats that drink Tequila? I don't want any of that either! 
 For those of you who know Cody could you imagine him after a shot of tequila?? I don't even want to go there!
 OK, so now how many times does it take a stroked blonde to make a long distance phone call ? the answer,too many! I went to call my BFF in LA, and hit dial on the phone, not hard, right, well I guess with all things being politically correct a man answers & says, YOUR CALL DID NOT GO THROUGH!!! Really?? I think I have enough intelligence left for that conclusion, so I call again, hit the "kathy" button, and get Phoenix swimming with the Dolphins, HUH?? Please tell me where in the heck you can swim with Dolphins in the middle of the desert, so, now I am losing my patience just a wee bit here, and try ONE more time and after all this I get voice mail, sooooo, Kathy if you read this call me!!!
 My kids are watching my FB posts to make sure I make sense, because they have that little, or in my case big white jacket in their cars, they are a little to anxious to get me to the funny farm, Cody says he will go if he can pet the animals!!!  LOL
 On a good note, the puppies breakfast did NOT consist of poop, and I am counting the days until they rip up this carpet and put down the wood floors, another thing to make my life easier!!!
    Happy SUnday, everyone!

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